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over Tylars Go: Gotta Spot 'em All! February 2017


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1-28 February 2017


Tylars Go: Gotta Spot 'em All  is a recurring event running from the start to the end of every month
in which your objective is to spot as many Tylars as possible!

Simply post a screenshot in which you are spotting a Tylar ingame, and it will be added to your tally.
You can only spot a Tylar once.

At the end of the month, the tallies will be counted and the member(s) who spotted the most Tylars
over the course of the month will win a signature prize!

As always, anyone who participates at any point over the course of the month
will get an attendance point.


February 2017 Winners' Signature


Get Spotting!


This Month's Tally:
YGE - 9
Aglarion - 5
Princess Rae - 4
Psychojonas (2) - 4
Zaki (2)- 4
Elyz Vettan - 3
SockyMonkey - 3
Brendi (2) - 2
Sgt Pepper - 2
The Aviansie - 2
Bennybear - 1
Darkmgix20 - 1
Heatherbear - 1
Jaybear - 1
Kingey - 1
Popadopolous - 1
Silver Man - 1


Past Winners:
None (yet)!

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Oh this looks fun!!!! Okay Okay, so theres Spot Staff members for Task Sets, Monthly Spot the Tylars now, so how bout a spot members for staff or something haha...itll be nice to see some friendly staff competition trying to spot us in game and see who comes out on top :p



Edited by Heatherbear
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This is gonna be awesome. :)

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oooooooo sounds fun :D 

I'll have to keep an eye out. I'm terrible at spotting people before they spot me lol

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Awesome idea! Ill definitely try my best :D

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2 hours ago, SockyMonkey said:

Wait does this start 28th Feb ? O:

Starts on 1st, finishes on 28th. It's a month long event.

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Good luck finding me guys :)

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9 hours ago, Wintrio said:

Good luck finding me guys :)

Wintrio spotted :D




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7 minutes ago, Popadopolous said:

Wintrio spotted :D




I was lured in by the smell of mining xp lol

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Wintrio spotted!




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3 hours ago, Brendi said:

Wintrio spotted!

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Wintrio is just getting spotted all over the place. Lmaooo

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tylar.pngPandasHeaven spotted



tylar.pngM0t1 spotted


tylar.pngSivoo spotted


tylar.pngWintrio spotted


tylar.pngRelynia spotted




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Tylars spotted: 

  1. Sivoo (this post) 
  2. Wintrio (here)  Thought I had another one, but it was Wintrio again. :) 
  3. Kastael (this post) 
  4. Lardarzz (this post) 




Sivoo spotted! :D 











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Avocado spotted. :p

Damn retina screen makes even the tiniest screenshots huge D:

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I am going to have to continue to hide for the rest of the month so I can be the least spotted

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12 hours ago, JaredLeo said:

I am going to have to continue to hide for the rest of the month so I can be the least spotted


34 minutes ago, Elyz Vettan said:


HA! Got him! :D


Nice try on that one Jared. Lololol

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[Removed to add pic to previous post]

Edited by Elyz Vettan
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