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Would You Rather


Weekly Would You Rather  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you Rather?

    • Be a Dragon
    • Own a Dragon

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Event explained

Each week we'll post a new 'Would you Rather' question, and we'll log the wins from each week for lolz.

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This weeks question

Would you Rather







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Be a dragon, of course. Buhbye anyone who pees me off! 


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Voted own a dragon - I'd love to see everyones faces when I take it for walks in the park... 

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If I owned one, I could still die. If I was one, I might not die. Ehmmm, guess I'll be one then :) 

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If I owned one, I could still die. If I was one, I might not die. Ehmmm, guess I'll be one then :) 

Hahaha - I like that logic.

Edited by Scotty
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I'd rather be a dragon - I wanna fly! And also breathe fire & stuff, but mostly fly! (Also voted)

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I has one =>

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That's so cool :D

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Dragons cannot be owned - although they may choose to carry a companion :D

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At first I thought be a dragon cos you could do amazing things, but then I thought...If I am a dragon, I won't be able to appreciate the awesomeness because it's normal to me.

So I picked own a dragon :p

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I voted to own a dragon. Being one is pretty cool too, but you can control it to do whatever you like...



Unless it's a Charizard. UH OHHH.

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Saw the email about this and thought, gotta be Scotty. :D  

Be a dragon, of course. Buhbye anyone who pees me off! 

Ha ha , so you Cat. 

Sander, great reasoning. 

I said own one (although they cannot be owned) mainly because I look so so so so much like Dani. 

Oh .... wait .... 


Edited by Princess Rae
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Own a dragon cause being one might make using a computer a bit complicated. Plus I prefer being a robot than a dragon anyway :p

Edited by Me Bender
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voted. own a dragon .. if runescape taught me anything then im pretty sure more dragons die than players plus the fact i don't wanna be countered by a bucket of water ty ;)

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I'd own one. He shall be called Jeremy.

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Awesome results so far... 

Although, there's only 6 dragons for 14 of us to own... uh oh.

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Now now, no pushing, there's plenty of football-field wide fire-breathing flying lizards to go around!

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Depends on the fantasy setting ;p being one would be awesome...having one would mean I could contend for the Iron Throne though...hmmmmm

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This reminds me of Horizons: Empire of Istaria, where you could actually be a dragon and build your own house with substantial customisation options. Sadly it wasn't quite a good enough MMO to keep a big playerbase.

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