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Highlights From Birthday Weekend

Boss Shanks

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<p>As most of you should have known, the weekend of February 24, 2012, was Spirits of Arianwyn&#39;s second birthday! Events Team worked hard to bring you a variety of events and things to do, to celebrate this spectacular event :D</p>

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<p>Spirits of Arianwyn will continue to grow over the next year and it’s with members like you (the ones we have right now, today) that’ll make that journey delightful and enjoyable.</p>



<p>A quote from Scotty and Princess Rae. And a completely true statement. Members like you are the highlight of this clan, and without your enthusiasm and love for SOA, this weekend would have been a failure :)</p>

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<p>Thanks to everyone who was able to attend some of the events that occurred this weekend; and HAPPY BIRTHDAY :Cake:</p>

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<p>Here are the links to all of the official recap threads for more pics and other information, and comments :)</p>

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<p style="text-align: center;">[[[TESTED BY DRAGONS]]] [[[SKILL &#39;N CHILL: CATHERBY]]] [[[HIDE &#39;N SEEK [F2P]]]]</p>

<p style="text-align: center;">[[[MASSIVE AMAZING 99 PARTIES]]] [[[CITADEL DISCO]]]</p>

<p style="text-align: center;">[[[WILDY AGILITY]]] [[[FALADOR MOLE]]] [[[TS KAROKEE]]]</p>

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<p>Here, I would say are the highlight pics of the entire weekend; of course there are more pictures in the links above!</p>

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<p>Thanks again to everyone who made it out and showed support to SOA for it&#39;s second birthday! &lt;3</p>

Edited by Boss Shanks
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Looks awesome! I so wish I hadn't had to work =/

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Has to be said, the weekend was amaaaaaazin'. Thanks to everyone for the hard work!

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Thank you to everyone that attended some of the events over this weekend, it was awesome fun. :)

As already said we have high hopes for SoA and we hope to to enjoy that journey with all of you.

Greetings Spirits of Arianwyn elves,

A birthday just wouldn’t be the same without a soppy, cheesy and cringe worthy post from one of your founders. Well it’s your lucky day, as I’m feeling pretttttyyyyy cheesy! ;)

Two years ago Rae and I came together and decided that we wanted to create a clan (obviously). Our first initial thoughts before starting were that we wanted to create a clan that had none of the regular issues that regular clans had – this would make us different, unique and special compared to other clans in the community. Such has having no activity and event requirements, a more open discussion policy and no strict trialist programme.

Our ultimate aim was to create a place that people can call home, regardless of having little activity in one area. The way we have always seen it is, if you are active in one area as a member? Then that’s cool with us. The fact that you took time to write an application, and introduction and progressed through your 1 month trial proves that you are a great asset to this community. If you are a full member and want to retire? That’s fine, you can – come back when you’re ready.

I’d love to sit here and blow my own trumpet and say that it was mine and Raes vision that has made SoA so successful – well that's not the case. You, as our members, staff and leadership have challenged us to make SoA a better place to be each and every single day. It is also, with your input and commitment that we change our processes and guidelines for the greater good of this community.

The passion that you all show in our clan chat, on our forums, on teamspeak and in IRC is what pushes us to grow stronger, build and create the best community known to RuneScape. I’m confident that we are already in the top 5 – we may not be the best warning clan, we may not be the best skilling clan, we may not have the best boss hunting events but guess what? We have the bloody best home, the ultimate social community.

Our clan is growing fast and it’s with all of your spirit and loyalty that keeps SoAs fire burning. Compared to most clans in RuneScape we actually have little drama compared to them. This is another one of our aims, we want all of you – to be able to enjoy your RuneScape experience with a loving community to chat to on the way, with as little drama as possible.

It's also like to give special thanks to all of our Lords, Ladies, Lians and Eldars that have given so much of their time to Spirits of Arianwyn. You don't get paid for this, you aren't being forced to do it - you do it because you want to, and you do it because you love SoA as much as we do and we'll always be eternally grateful for the contribution that you provide.

In two years, we’ve came from 2 members to 149 on our official runehead and 250 in our clan chat. This is an amazing achievement and it was with an absolute combined effort from each and everyone one of us here that made it happen.

Spirits of Arianwyn will continue to grow over the next year and it’s with members like you (the ones we have right now, today) that’ll make that journey delightful and enjoyable. So without further text that is probably making you feel sick over the cringe worthy cheese (here have a bucket). I’d like to raise a glass to Spirits of Arianwyn, our home and community that will live for as long as RuneScape does.

Much Love,

Scotty & Rae

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It was a great weekend.

Well done to the Event's Team for all your hard work

and thank you to everyone who came along!

Happy Birthday SoA!


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Wow, that looked amazing beyond words, I really, really wish I could've been there to share the special moment with all of you, sorry :\

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Our 2 year anniversary events were fantastic!

All times zones could enjoy our birthday; that in itself was amazing!

Thank you one and all. :party:




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I was talking to Rae about this last night. The entire weekend felt like one massive blur, but in a really good way. It truly was a great time, and I was happy to be here for it. Let's make the next one better. =)

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I had a reet good time. Thanks for everyone who attended and seriously thank you to the Events team, the time and effort you put into your roles is phenomenal.

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