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September 2022 Attendance Medals


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Cute Dog Dog GIF - Cute Dog Dog Puppy GIFs

Thank you for your participation!
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Badge Signature Members
36AbqnC.png UZgugBX.png adele.pngAdiner
adele.pngAlex Undeath
myrth.pngAmyntas Zoe
myrth.pngBen Kimim
8KFOvZo.png 6pmRucZ.png athem.pngMayahuel
3uas0sb.png w3F8he0.png elendur.pngKimmi
Q67dFtv.png oPaaA2n.png sadron.pngiGoofy
0jVHIC6.png TEhDNBb.png adele.pngBossLady72
voronwe.pngWwdTour Kane
saarZJ6.png yqBZLHE.png voronwe.pngFred Walker
0XQaS7A.png mmFI8Oq.png lian.pngDNA Rex
sDrTeTm.png MuOj1Ky.png voronwe.pngLucifer Box
adele.pngPoacher Jen
91JCAdt.png xQHSwyI.png eldar.pngFiresteal918


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Thanks for attending so many events everyone!

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Thanks for supporting events :D

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Danngggg fire out here killing it!


Everyone showing up is awesome :D

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Wow Raychel with 1k events!

Congrats all!

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Can't wait to see this number grow over time! 

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Thanks for attending all the events...and wow Raychel!! 1k :banana:

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Thanks for sorting that Xander and nice layout! 

Congratulations to everyone on your medals and thanks for helping keep SoA great and thanks to the Events Team for all the great events! :D  

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WOOT! 1k! Thanks for coming out to events everyone!!

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