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Discord Karaoke Spur


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1 January 2019



Dear diary,

I don't know how it happened, it was beyond my control. I'm going to have to say 20 Our Fathers and 10 Hail Mary's alone for just being a witness. ...

It all started with being on the clan discord channel, I had been there from a dung spur earlier in the day. It was New years as you know, people were drinking and being Merry; very, very merry. In fact they started breaking out in song. First WizAnthony and then Kinneas... Wrngwaypchfz sang later on in the evening.... many stopped by to listen. At first it was fine but then... the more they drank... WizAnthony started singing love ballads to Nanashi, it was very touching but i'll never be able to listen to Cher the same way again...


I'm tired now dairy, Good night.

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Dear diary,

Upon reading the last entry I have found my inner calling. This is to find an island hide for a few weeks or months. While I am there think about going to the make over mage so no one will recognise me after this little incident. 

This is going to be my last entry for a while peace out

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