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September Strength Comp Winners


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for winning the Strength Competition

with an amazing 8,604,765 xp!





for winning the most xp for under level 99s with an impressive 322,590 xp!



Reddog and B2A

for gaining the most levels

with 1 levels gained!



Great job!



And well done to all the other

participants! The clan

gained 12,778,842 xp and 2 levels!


The 2nd and 3rd place winners were:

Most xp level 99: Joo and Elktz
Most xp under 99: Roelio and B2A

Most levels: n/a


The full list of participants is here:


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such strength, much wow, well done and gratz :) 

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4 hours ago, Plays said:

congrats! I wasn't far behind with 0 xp :o!

I was holding my breath - it was so tense. I was all like ... whoa is Plays going to win!? :D:D 

Grats everyone! :) 

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