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Wilderness Agility Social - Recap!


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This was fun! Only one person died so that was good :) Devalice killed a few revs and the rest of got a wee bit of agility xp.

I wasn't falling here....I was flying. Yeah, flying. That's what I was doing.


We'd been working for about 5 minutes and I happened across a little Rae bunny with sore feets.




A good bunyip patiently waiting his turn for the rope :)


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Amber can fly!!!! woot! :up:

Ty again for another great event Amber! :agility:

And ummmm .... my arms? HAAAALp?!?!?!?!


pretty sure that was Shango's fault .... :faint:

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Was fun, I got a level. :)

Love how I am a turkey in all the pics. ;)

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i got there late, made a few runs around the track, killed adam in p2p, came back helped dinty own a rev, then got koed by an ork while dinty watched :o

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then got koed by an ork while dinty watched :o

Sounds like our Amber if you ask me. :D

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