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July Overall Comp Winners


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:dungeoneering:   :agility:   :range:   :magic:   :summoning:   :crafting:   :fletching:   :thieving:   :smithing:   :range:   :constitution:   :firemaking:   :hunter:






for winning the July Overall Competition with an amazing 153,560,530xp!




And   :congrats:





for gaining the most levels with an insane 194 levels gained!


:clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:


Great job, you two!





And well done to all the other participants! The clan gained 2,146,574,224xp and 3,097 levels!



The 2nd and 3rd place winners were:

Most xp: Huolon and Gythux

Most levels: Saint Bella and Narutou2umak



The full list of participants is here:


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Ale, teach me your ways.


Congrats all!

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thats crazy, please make some guides for what ever you did ... will love you forever *puppy dog eyes*


gratz to all :up:

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Yea, absolutely stunning from both winners!

Really proud of my mentor!! Go Ale!!! :star:

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Holy crap Ale and Ayolith! You guys are insanely good at this! Grats to all the runner ups too :D

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Thanks guys :D

Congratulations to Ayo and all the runner ups as well :)

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