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Stealing Creation ~ Girls v Boys ~ RECAP


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Loved how many attendees we had for this competitive event


need more girls though!!


Girls were victorious with the first game!!




The second and third game the boys won






We made a comeback




The decider was intense and the boys won!!!




You may have beat us at stealing creation but our girlpower shall return and defeat you one day!!!


Thanks to every attendee who was their this was a fun event and we shall prepare for war again soon!!


  1. Anatomic
  2. DScythespyo
  3. Gebricyla
  4. Group Robes
  5. Gythux
  6. Huolon
  7. Hyni
  8. I Dante
  9. Jenton
  10. Katttitude
  11. Marcoletsgo
  12. Moonvessel
  13. Painforest
  14. Plak
  15. Rachy
  16. Sleepy God
  17. Snufflapagus
  18. SockyMonkey
  19. S15
  20. U R Kidding
  21. V Chestnut V
  22. Xx Saul xX
  23. Yge
  24. Zacarux

and LunarCanidae for helping with the girls team!!


more girl clan members needed!!


Will get around to making a sig for the winners

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Looks like it was a great turnout! Better ask Recruitment and Tylar teams to stop scaring away all the wimminz :up:

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Thanks for the awesome event Kat! 



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#Team Li  <3

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Signature for all participants



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