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First Wilderness Skill n' Chill Recap!


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First Wilderness Skill n' Chill Recap! 

Venturing into the challenge of the first Wilderness Skill n' Chill, we have your clan mates:

@Princess Rae
@xp thirsty


Despite the many monster ambushes, some being downright scary!....
All the Demons, Revenants, and Mammoths, oh my! 



We claimed the Wilderness as our own! 


And if you haven't noticed yet....

Our Princess Rae fashioned herself with no bunny years! Amazing! 



Thank you all again for coming!

It was a blast! 

Hope for some more, as Matthw called it, Skill n' Thrills 624661050209337364.gif?size=96&quality=l, in the future!


I also found me a new signature! Hehe^>^


Edited by Guzma
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loved it! Thanks Chuck! :starwars:



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Getting ambushed by more and more things as the hour goes on really convinces you to pay attention ^^ very fun time!

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To be fair, I crawled out from under a rock and quickly slithered back

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I was not expecting the enormous mammoths to appear out of nowhere :laugh:

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Haha that sounds really fun!

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Sounds like yall had a good time :P

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2 hours ago, Matthw said:

I was not expecting the enormous mammoths to appear out of nowhere :laugh:

Me too.  Looked up at one point and did a bit of an 'eeek!'


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awww I missed the group photo!! I couldn't keep my eyes open lol :P

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Y'all made it really fun! Haha
I got used to afking in Wildy for thieving but with the monsters spawning for so many there at the Skill n' Thrill, I had to pay attention! lmao


On 8/21/2022 at 8:56 AM, Errorstatel said:

To be fair, I crawled out from under a rock and quickly slithered back

Sneak attack! :O

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Sorry, didn't make it to this one. Was trying to spend as much extra dxp as I could since I was so far behind. Looks like I missed a lot of intense wildy fun though. Will definitely try join on the next one. Love the screenshots!

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