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February Thieving Comp Winners


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:thieving: :thieving: :thieving: :thieving: :thieving: :thieving: :thieving: :thieving: :thieving: :thieving: :thieving: :thieving:






for winning the Thieving Competition with an amazing 14,522,548xp!







for gaining the most levels with 55 levels gained!


:clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:

Great job!




A special congrats to Meg Grace for reaching 200mil thieving xp during the comp!


And well done to all the other participants! The clan gained 65,783,901xp and 106 levels!



The 2nd and 3rd place winners were:

Most xp: GreekGod FTW and Meg Grace

Most levels: GreekGod FTW and Roodkopvoske and Moonvessel (tie for 3rd)



The full list of participants is here:


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Wow, impressive achievements all (:

Congratz n__n

Guess I won't have to worry about Meg next thiev comp haha :D

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Awww thank you, Grats to Jo, Greek and Reddog and everyone else that participated! <3

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when we get to see the stickers?! :D

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Congratulations to the winners and place getters and to everyone who participated! 



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Thanks to all those Clanies that helped me all the way up from such a low starting point it is much appreciated.

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Congratulations to everyone, you did awesome!


Well done to Megnoob too for hitting that 200M Thieving! I thought she wasn't going to make it at on point as when I asked her the response was "Uhhhh, I can't be bothered!" :D<3

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Congratulations to everyone, you did awesome!


Well done to Megnoob too for hitting that 200M Thieving! I thought she wasn't going to make it at on point as when I asked her the response was "Uhhhh, I can't be bothered!" :D<3

LOL Someone said that double bxp was happening so I checked my thieving rank after retiring for a month and I was at rank 96, always wanted to be below 100 so pulled my finger out and surprise surprise, 200m before flipping dxbp started LOL glad it's over with but I am starting to miss plunder already :( 

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