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04 October 2013, 01:00 AM 02:00 AM
Event created by Chatters
Skill & Chill at Yanille Event
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Starting Time: 8pm BST
midday Pac | 2pm Cen | 3pm Est | 7pm GMT | 8pm BST | 5am (next day) Aus East
Ending Time: 9pm BST
pm Pac | 3pm Cen | 4pm Est | 8pm GMT | 9pm BST | 6am (next day) Aus Eas
Everyone is welcome to come and join in the Skill & Chill!
You can do Herblore, Crafting, Firemaking, Cooking, Fletching or Divination Locations.
You can also come to just chill if that is what you choose.
I hope to see you all there!!!!!
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