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Track-A-Tylar July 2024

Princess Rae
   (0 reviews)
In-Game Events

Event details

This event begins 06/30/2024 and repeats every day until 07/28/2024


July 2024

For Track-a-Tylar, your goal is to track down & spot as many different Tylars as possible
before reset (game time) on 29th July 2024.

Please make our Tylars feel welcome!

Simply post a screenshot of you spotting a Tylar in-game, and it will be added to your tally.
You can only spot each Tylar once, and both you and the Tylar will gain an attendance point.

Please Note! Tylars tend to graduate to Myrth, but they must still be a tylar.pngTylar when you spot them. Be quick!
Tylars can also spot other Tylars! (You can't spot yourself though!)

At the end of the month, the tallies will be counted and the clannie(s) who
spotted the most Tylars will win this signature as a prize!

Winners' Signatures

Most Tylars Spotted


Most Spotted Tylar


You can see the list of Tylars by clicking into the tylar.pngTylar rank at the bottom of the forums.
The other thing to do is just to look in the cc when you are on :) 

Get hunting! Go Track-A-Tylar! 

Thanks to @Wizanthony for the header and signatures




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