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  1. Today
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  3. Boss Shanks

    March Cooking Comp Winners

  4. Lucifer Box

    March Cooking Comp Winners

    I only do this so you have to type out my name.
  5. Haleth 5

    March Cooking Comp Winners

    Congrats to all the winners! 🎉
  6. jamesstan98

    March Cooking Comp Winners

    gratzzz all
  7. Mudds

    March Cooking Comp Winners

    congratulations to all involved!
  8. Last week
  9. Elktz

    Hunter Comp

  10. Elktz

    March Cooking Comp Winners

    R Stark for winning the Cooking Competition with an amazing 37,029,033xp! And Dalek Grimm for winning the most xp for under level 99 with an impressive 3,218,363xp! And Dalek Grimm for gaining the most levels with 8 levels gained! Great job! And well done to all the other participants! The clan gained 2,055,359xp and 8 levels! The 2nd and 3rd place winners were: Most xp level 99: Jamesstan98 and Lucifer Box Most xp under level 99: Usefulladc Most Levels: n/a The full list of participants is here: https://competitions.spiritsofarianwyn.com/viewcomp.php?compid=417
  11. Princess Rae

    RuneFest DEXP Live Comp Recap!

    That's a ton of xp Grats all!
  12. Dracolord800

    Weekly Bounty Board [3/24]

  13. to... (pics are from a google image search of their name) IMdeathx @IMdeathx On your promotion to Myrth On behalf of the Clan, the Tylar Team congratulates you! Myrth
  14. Boss Shanks

    Barb Assault

  15. Earlier
  16. Nut Meggs

    Spune is a Tylar!

    Congrats and welcome to Tylarhood!
  17. Dracolord800

    Weekly Boss Bounty Board [3/17]

  18. Boss Shanks

    Shifting Sands

  19. Boss Shanks

    Spune is a Tylar!

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